The most beautiful place in America to see hummingbirds.
Come join us!
(Purchase tickets for speaker presentations and off-site activities)
The 11th Annual Sedona Hummingbird Festival is a can’t-miss event! Located in the heart of Sedona’s red rock country, the festival features 12 different speaker presentations on various hummingbird topics, hummingbird garden tours, banding demonstrations, birding field trips, breakfasts with hummingbirds, a hummingbird marketplace filled with hummingbird-related supplies and gifts, an amazing raffle, a photo contest, a fun festival dinner, a Kids’ Day featuring crafts, activities, and live animals, and pre and post-festival workshops on hummingbird photography and painting.
The stars of the event are the hummingbirds! There are dozens of hummingbirds at the feeders right at Hummingbird Central (also known as the Sedona Performing Arts Center). You can see even more hummingbirds at our banding locations and on the Garden Tour. As many as eight species of hummer can be found in the Sedona area during the festival – how many will you see?
Hummingbird Festival Event Details
Festival Dates
Friday-Sunday, July 25-27, 2025
Workshop Dates
Thursday July 24, 2025
(Hummingbird Central and Speaker Presentations)
Sedona Performing Arts Center (SPAC) and gymnasium
995 Upper Red Rock Loop Road, Sedona AZ
(Purchase tickets for presentations and off-site activities)
Please leave your pets at home.
Registration and Attendee Packet Pick-Up
At Hummingbird Central
Thursday, July 24, 2 – 5pm
Friday, July 25, 10am – 5pm
Saturday, July 26, 10am – 5pm
Sunday, July 27, 10am – noon
Free Entry to Hummingbird Central!
Friday and Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm
Hummingbird Central includes the Hummingbird Marketplace, raffle, hummingbird viewing at the feeders, photo contest entries on display, food, exhibits, and on Saturday, Kids’ Day activities (10am – 2pm).